3 Things You Need To Know About Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a skin condition that is characterized by itchy, red patches of skin that are covered with what looks like silver scales. There are many misconceptions about this skin condition. Here are three things you need to know about psoriasis.

1. It isn't contagious. 

While the itchy, red patches can look horrible and cause great embarrassment for those who have psoriasis, the condition is not contagious. You didn't get it from touching someone with psoriasis, and no one else can get it from coming into contact with you. 

The reason that so many mistake psoriasis for a contagious skin disease is because of its appearance. Everyone associates red, itchy skin rashes with an infection that others can catch. But that is not the case with psoriasis. Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin condition that isn't caused by an infection at all.

2. There are no special diets to help with psoriasis.

In recent years, there have been people who have stated that following a special diet will help alleviate the symptoms and flare-ups of psoriasis. There is no one diet or miracle cure for psoriasis.

If you have the skin condition, you should follow the same healthy diet that everyone is supposed to follow. You should eat fats and sugars very rarely, eat a lot of healthy vegetables and fruits, and get plenty of lean protein.

However, if you do find that your psoriasis symptoms get worse when you eat a particular food, you should eliminate it from your diet to see if your symptoms improve. If they do, then add that particular food back just once more to see how your symptoms react to the food. That is the only way you can tell if a particular food makes you skin condition worse or not. If your symptoms get worse when you add that food back, you should avoid it in the future if you want to decrease your psoriasis flare-ups.

3. There is no cure, but remission is possible.

For those living with the embarrassing symptoms of psoriasis every day, it can seem like they will never go away. The truth is that it is possible for you to go into remission where you have no symptoms of psoriasis at all. This can happen with or without treatment.

However, it is important to understand there is no cure for psoriasis. So, even if you go for long periods without any flare-ups or psoriasis symptoms, they may not stay gone forever. So, you will need to continue any treatments that your doctor prescribes to help keep your psoriasis at bay for as long as possible.
