Plantar fascitis is a fancy name for heel pain. It occurs when there are problems with the ligament that runs from your heel bone to your toes. Most commonly affected are individuals who spend a great deal of time on their feet, such as waitresses, athletes, and those in the armed forces. Over-exercising is another cause of heel pain. A mild case of plantar fascitis can be treated at home; however, there are a few signs that indicate a visit to the podiatrist is needed.
Pain When Not in Motion
When suffering from plantar fascitis, it is expected that you'll have pain when you stand or put pressure on your heel. In fact, this pain usually is at its worst first thing in then morning, but then decreases as the day wears on. If the pain continues when you are not in motion, then you need to see your podiatrist as soon as possible. You may have a more serious injury that could require surgery. An x-ray or an ultrasound will most likely be ordered to get a better look at what is going on with your fascia.
Home Remedies No Longer Work
Several home remedies can be employed to treat plantar fascitis. Ice is used to dull the pain and can be used in combination with an over-the-counter pain medicine. Ibuprofen is a great choice, as it also has the power to reduce swelling. Anyone who has tried these at home treatments and given their heel a week or two to rest with little to no success should consult a podiatrist for further evaluation.
Your Shoes Make the Pain Worse
Pay attention to when your pain is at its worst. If walking in your shoes seems to aggravate the plantar fascitis, then a visit to your podiatrist's office is in order. Your foot doctor can measure your feet and order supportive footwear, which is also commonly referred to as orthotics. You may be prescribed a special shoe, or simply an insert that will help support your arch. Some inserts are made of gel, while others are fabricated with plastic or felt. In addition to supporting your arch, these devices will supply extra cushioning for your heel.
Making an appointment with your doctor will ensure you don't do any further damage to your heel. When visiting your podiatrist be sure to ask about exercises that you can do that will work to stretch the area for more flexibility and increase the muscle strength in your feet. The foot doctor will also be able to give you some temporary relief from the pain with a steroid injection. Contact a local foot doctor, like Laurel Podiatry Associates, LLC, for more information.