Tips For Getting Your Insurance To Pay For Varicose Vein Laser Treatment

If you have varicose veins on your legs or any other part of your body, chances are good that you need to get rid of them. However, you might worry that your insurance will not be willing to pay for the removal of varicose veins because they will consider them a cosmetic problem, rather than a medical problem. This can make one of the more affordable treatments for varicose veins, laser treatment, out of financial reach for many people. Here are some tips for increasing the chances that your insurance will pay for your varicose vein laser treatment.

1. See a Doctor Who Offers a Free Consultation

Your first step is to see a doctor who offers free consultations. This is important because it will allow you to have a professional look at your varicose veins without actually having to commit any financial resources. You want to avoid committing financial resources if you are not sure that your insurance company is going to cover the costs of the procedure. Choose a doctor that is able to perform the tests that will help convince your insurance company that your varicose veins need to be removed out of medical necessity, not simply out of cosmetic desire. This treatment is called a venous ultrasound. Call ahead of time to make sure that the doctor is able to perform this sort of test.

Keep in mind that the venous ultrasound might not be free, even if the consultation is. Check wit your insurance provider to see how much money the test is going to cost you out of pocket.

2. Prepare for the Appointment

Your next step is to prepare for the appointment by keeping a journal for a few weeks of all of the symptoms and pain that you feel as a result of your varicose veins, as well as the symptomatic treatments that you have tried. If you can show that you've tried wearing compression socks to help with the pain of your varicose veins and it didn't work, your insurance company will be more likely to consider removing your varicose veins as a medical necessity. Demonstrating that other treatments were ineffective is an excellent way to get coverage for the treatment that you think will be most effective.

3. Get a Diagnosis

Finally, ask your doctor for the specific diagnosis of venous insufficiency, which is the name of the medical problem that causes varicose veins. If he or she agrees, you can take that diagnosis and get its treatment covered by your insurance company.

For more information, talk to a company that specializes in laser varicose vein treatment.
