Signs That It Might Be Time To See An Ophthalmology Expert

Ophthalmology is the study and diagnosis of eye problems such as eye disease. Have you been experiencing issues with your eyes in recent days? If so, it might be time to get professional help. Eye health is obviously very important and a significant problem is not likely to go away on its own. If you've encountered recent issues with your vision or overall eye health, here are some of the possible scenarios where you will want to reach out to an ophthalmology expert as soon as possible.

The Lighting Doesn't Seem Right

Do you sometimes look into a room that is illuminated with lights but it doesn't look as bright as you think it normally does? If it's clear that others around you think the room is well-lit but you are still seeing shadows or feel that the room is not well illuminated, this could be an early warning sign of developing eye disease. Conversely, if you look at a light and it suddenly starts shining much brighter than you think it should be, this could be the sign of a retinal problem including a possible detachment. If every headlight coming at you in opposing traffic seems bright enough to force you to look away, it's time to get off the road and get professional help immediately.

Your Vision is Blurry in Spots or Along the Edges

There is a difference between vision that is blurry all the time and only blurry in spots or along the edge. If your vision is blurry across the board, you likely just need a stronger prescription for your glasses or contacts. But if your vision seems fine but you sometimes see spots within your normal vision that make a specific object look more blurry than what's around it, this could be a warning sign that something is not quite right. The same goes for experiencing constant blurred vision along the edges of what you are looking at. If you constantly need to turn your head to refocus because your peripheral vision doesn't seem right, get to an eye doctor quickly.

It Takes You a Second to Recognize Someone

Have you ever looked at someone you know and drawn a blank for just a second? If it seems like information your eye is seeing isn't getting to your brain as quickly as it should, there could be something else at work here. It's important to get help sooner rather than later as this is not just a "phase" that is likely to get better on its own.

There are a variety of eye diseases and problems that can cause the issues described above, including glaucoma and retinal disease. If anything seems wrong with your vision at all, get to a local professional as soon as possible.

For more information, contact a local ophthalmology center.
