Questions To Ask When You Visit An Alcohol Abuse Recovery Information Center

Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to drug and alcohol recovery. The more information you have and the more resources available to you, the more likely you will be to succeed in your treatment plan. Going to the alcohol abuse recovery information center is the first step toward knowledge. The next step is asking the right questions. Try asking the following four questions during your visit to an alcohol abuse recovery information center.

Do you offer financial assistance? 

First and foremost, you need to establish a budget for your treatment. Most people can't afford treatment out of pocket. Insurance may cover treatment, but not everyone has insurance. You may still be able to get treatment without insurance or money. Ask about the different programs available, and which ones are best for people with limited or no income. There are resources to ensure that you can get the help you need, as long as you utilize them.

What are my treatment options?

There are several different treatment options to consider, including:

  • individual therapy
  • AA meetings
  • outpatient therapy
  • inpatient therapy

Inpatient therapy is the more intense therapy with the best results, but it requires complete commitment. It's also the most expensive option. AA meetings are generally free, and they don't require you to leave your professional and personal responsibilities. However, you need to have the willpower to go to meetings and stick to your sobriety.

What support do you offer after therapy? 

After treatment, your sobriety journey is just beginning. You will need to continue treatment one way or another. If possible, you can try individual therapy once a week. The therapy doesn't need to focus solely on your sobriety but on your overall mental health and wellness. 

Can a patient include their friends and family throughout the recovery process?

It can be helpful to bring your support group along with you during your treatment. However, many treatment plans have strict guidelines on who can participate in meetings or how often you can talk to friends and family. If you want your friends and family involved, make that clear so that you can pick a treatment plan that includes everyone.

If you find yourself at a substance abuse treatment information center, you've taken the first step. You have a lot of work ahead of you. To see the best results, do your research. These four questions will guide you to the best treatment plan for you. 
