Life is about simple things: the experiences one has, the people one shares them with, and the memories one makes. One of the most ground-breaking experiences a person can have is the death of a loved one. Although this is not a topic most people like to dwell on, it is nonetheless the only invariable experience everyone will share. Taking this into consideration, the health sciences community has created plans to help people process their last days on this earth.
The importance of a meaningful and peaceful death
With the advancement of age or due to disease, people start losing basic capacities they never even considered. Things like going to the bathroom, standing up, or getting dressed may be out of reach for some terminal patients. This is why end-of-life care is focused on trying to deal with these limitations in order to offer good quality of life regardless of health condition.
Different professions provide end-of-life care, and each one of these has certain responsibilities that help the terminal patient live their last days to the fullest. The responsibilities each profession has are:
- Nurses: Their work is paramount to a patient's well-being. They take care of every physical need a patient may have, like cleaning themselves, bathing, feeding, taking medication, etc. Their help allows the patient to feel clean and comfortable through their last days.
- Physicians: A physician's role in end-of-life care is to offer comfort by relieving symptoms caused by the terminal condition. Physicians achieve this through the use of medication, physical therapies, and other more invasive procedures like a colostomy or gastrostomy. These are made with the intention of controlling pain, reducing nausea, helping patients sleep, supporting their mental health, allowing a patient to eat, etc. Through this care, the terminal patient can live without having to worry about their body not allowing them to enjoy themselves.
- Psychology and psychiatric support: These professionals offer extensive emotional support. This helps the terminal patient and their family experience the process of accepting death in a healthy manner.
With all of this in mind, it is evident why end-of-life care is so crucial to enjoying a loved one's last days on earth. Even though this process is really complex, with assisted end-of-life care, there are fewer worries for everyone involved. And, in this sense, allows people to focus on the only truly important things in life, sharing good experiences with loved ones.
For more info about end-of-life care, contact a local company.