Should You Check Your Iron Levels?

Iron plays an important role in your body. It helps your cells produce energy, carries oxygen to your organs and tissues, and is critical for healthy red blood cells.

Still, too much or too little iron can be a problem. That's why it's important to know your iron levels and take the right steps to keep them balanced.

Your doctor can check your iron levels with a simple blood test. The results will tell you how much iron is in your bloodstream. Here are some signs it's important that you get tested right away.

You Feel Tired All The Time

Iron is key for producing energy, so if you're always feeling fatigued and sleepy, it could be a sign that your iron levels are low.

You Feel Weak On Your Period

Women are especially vulnerable to iron deficiency due to the loss of blood during menstruation. If you feel absolutely drained during your cycle, that could be a sign of low iron.

You've Lost Weight

Unexplained weight loss can be a symptom of many medical issues, including anemia due to iron deficiency. If you've experienced sudden or dramatic weight loss, getting checked for deficiency could be beneficial.

You've Become Pale

Low iron levels can cause pallor in the skin, especially in the face. If you've noticed that your complexion looks different than usual, a lack of iron could be the reason why.

Your Temperature Regulation Is Off

If you feel cold or overheated more often than usual, you might have low iron. Pay attention to the weather and other people's reaction to the climate to determine if you might be experiencing something out of the norm.

You're Experiencing Changes In Your Heartbeat

Low iron can cause changes to your heartbeat, such as palpitations and an irregular rhythm. If you've noticed any changes in your heart rate or have been experiencing chest pain, testing is crucial.

You Experience Headaches Or Dizziness

Iron deficiency can also cause headaches and dizziness. A blood test can help determine if your headache is caused by low iron or something else, like stress or dehydration.

Make An Appointment With Your Doctor

If you're experiencing any of the above symptoms, it's important to talk to your doctor about getting tested. Your doctor can help you understand your results and provide tips for keeping your iron levels balanced.

They can also help identify any underlying causes that may be contributing to your deficiency, such as certain medications, underlying medical conditions, or dietary deficiencies. With the right information and the proper treatment plan, you can ensure that your iron levels stay consistent.

Visit a doctor's office for more information. 
